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The Curious Serpent Went Back To Eden.

The Curious Serpent Went Back To Eden. 
And That day God Smiled.

She starred at him. His eyes were glazing
with the love not to be missed; she leaned as he kissed. 

Relishing the moment with the naked joy
Both were breathing together as they were counting stars

The half eaten apple  was lying on the ground 
As the Curious serpent went back to Eden 

Then there were two- living together in boundless bliss
Witnessing from Inside, God Smiled as their souls kiss
Loving them inside out!

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The theory of Confusion and Girls- Part 2 (AKA) The Conclusion- Part 1.

Okay da.  This is a silent entry. No welcome required. I forgive you.

I am going to tell you the continuation of the Theory of Confusion And Girls Part 1

Why am I do it now? If I did not do it 5 years ago? 

Good Question. I will answer on the next line. 

I am doing this because one of my one and only loyal reader of my blog who insisted I should write again. I am dedicating this post especially to you, Loyal Reader. You are also very sweet and nice and think I am a good writer. Perhaps, after reading this post you will change your mind.

Dai. Others.  Yeah,  I am talking to you only- all those sloths, loving mothers, caring daughters, amazing son of the guns and whoever read my post and never commented. I am NOT doing it for you.  You will all rot in hell someday.  

I must also tell you, there is this spammer person who is creatively spamming in the comment section. To him- You are ruthlessly creative da. And people like you restore balance. I wish you will also rot in hell someday.

Even Director Rajamouli wouldn’t have spent this much time writing the script for Bahubali 2. He just took three and half years to make the movie.  And I took 5 years to write this sequel.   

Clearly, I am not Rajamouli. I work during the day, sometimes even in the night also (such a hard worker you know).  Therefore, I decided a 3 part conclusion, and publish it based on your Loyal comments. (Loyal Reader, I’m talking to you only).  Others, at least comment on this post ra, or I will poke the voodoo doll- you know where. 

If you've forgotten, in the last post, I ended saying " she said something interesting that I will tell you in the next post".  

Varsha Thekaperambil was the girl. Even I forgot how she was looking.  All I remember is her hand smelled deliciously flavored with Gongura Mutton. ( 5 years. Even though I am lying, it is the truth)

So sniffing my hand, I looked at her face, and her curious eyes and I broad-casted the waves of Telepathy communicating “Paradise Biryani Pointe, eh?”

She relayed back “No. Keep quiet.  I’m dieting according to my friends”.

Breaking the awkward moment, Varsha  asked me “ what do you smell, Sherlock?”

I replied, " Fresh Breeze. More like Oxygen. Fire Hazard"

She giggled and asked me,  “Are you suffocating, Arjun??”

“Not unless you’re close to me” Within a flash of a second, I held her hand again, looked into her eyes. Blurring out the cringing faces of her friends, I smiled.

“What are you doing, Arjun?”, she asked

I replied, “Resisting, Varsha”

"Resisting what?", she questioned again with a wink. 

I normally perform well in a high-pressure situation like this Sometimes, I don't. I'm also normal human being, Okay?  But don't get ideas, I don't rumble bullshit like most of you.  I simply stare at their eyes and give an irrelevant answer, but relevant to the situation.

I said, " Your Eyes. My Words." ( See how simple it is)

“Where do you get these ideas from?”, Varsha asked.

“If a girl is normally pretty, I wouldn’t do this, Varsha. You should know. “, I countered.

“Take off your hand from me, Arjun, everyone is watching “, She smiled again

“I’m not holding it anymore, but I will, coffee tomorrow at Sandy’s 2 pm?”

She reverted back: In your Dreams. Arjun. In your Dreams.!!

“Tonight 8pm”, I said

She blushed. I smiled.

My sessions of watching a copious amount of soap operas, hopeless romantic movies is helping.  I wanted to advance before her flocks stole her away from me.. but I became a victim…

You see girl parade in armies.  The reason is evolutionary. Back In those days, when the monkey man was climbing trees, some clueless perverted monkey fuckers tried to take advantage of the situation.  Being the bravest of the tribe, girls started ganging up on those monkey fuckers by gobbling up verbal abuses or kick on their ball sacks to defend themselves.

Some million thousand years fast forward… Present world scenario. Despite having evolutionary advantage of communicating better, there are some residual genes that make most of the monkey fuckers still ruthless monkey fuckers.  In a nightclub settings, after imbibing alcohol in industrious quantities, these monkeys try to perform the mating dance. That moment these fuckers attempt to grab the lady of their interest by her hips and start dancing, you will notice an army defending the lady

Because these perverted motherfuckers, DO NOT JUST DANCE, they want to practice all the 64 positions of Kama Sutra.  Because of these bad boys,  good boys like me are losing reputation. They will also better rot in hell with Donald Gump president.

Though I am capable of consuming industrious quantities of alcohol, I can maintain my sunny disposition. It all comes through the strong practice of yoga, controlling mind over body skills I learned from watching Jackie Chan movie- The Forbidden Kingdom.

Even though I did not do anything crazy of that sorts, her army escorted away from me. So I shouted: Should I ask our common friend for your number?

I wasn’t wearing glasses that day. But I clearly noticed one of the hands rising aloft of the crowd pointing a finger at me (not the finger you are thinking).  It was a thumbs- up.  And that hand was familiar to me. 

So enough is enough.. stopping here, rest I will tell you later.


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The One Second Life

The One Second Life

One day.. that window was slightly ajar..

Erupting in joy, the butterfly grew leaps and bounds as it was flapping it wings towards the bluer skies and greener grass, marking its path on all the flower it sits.

Surprised by a flower, the butterfly asked: why do you smile, lovely flower? I am resting on your face.

Flower kindly replied,  “Oh dear butterfly, you've rested on some flowers unknowingly living your life flying”

Spreading the fragrance, the flower continued " I've waited so long, if not all you visited,  I would've spilled my breath for the earth to feast happily living,  but now,  with the nectar on your feet, I shall live forth more as I become a fruit-bearing seed "

Dancing to the breeze, the butterfly smiled before it flew away “not all the flower has the nectar that I need, you will know this when my seed flies from your leaf, after all, I fly to cede to you to fly, my lovely flower”

“Counting the days, I smile
With the passing moments, I count
That one flat second to live, I forget the world
as the face inside me smiled living the one-second life”

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5 Way To Keep Your Promise

This is a 10-line story. 
Please stop making promises when you know you cannot keep up the promise.  
I knew an old man who saved me through my difficult times. In return, I promised to work with him on a subject that doesn't matter to him the most. I didn't know my priorities would change and I would forget about the promise. There came the time, the situation repeated the same. I had to face the old man again, I knew I made a mistake, I pleaded for his mercy. He smiled and said: Keeping up Promise is a Virtue. So never make promises if you know you cannot keep.  With that note, he gave me last chance to prove my sincerity. I worked hard on a subject that I know I would never be satisfied. I missed a couple of deadlines. And now, still writing the paper which I never know when I would complete.  
Missing a promise never bothered me. But now the feeling is haunting me. I did not do what I said I would do. More than missing the promise, I am sulking-up inside with the self-disappointment. 
We can never reconstruct the trust that was lost. So please keep up your words. That makes the man, Man. woman the Woman. 
5 Ways to Keep-Up Promises 
1) Know your Strengths and Weaknesses  

2) Set Realistic Targets 
3) Stay committed to your plan 
4) Be Flexible 

5) Go for the Hunt 

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Note:  So I looked back. It's been 2 years since I l wrote something.  And I have been trying to write for sometime. Just to overcome the writer's block. I called up a friend. He asked me to write about infidelity. And that's how I began writing this short story. 

Subnote: I am using algebraic unknowns X and Y for easier illustration and leave a straightforward message: all the characters and incidents in the story are fictional and any resemblance with the real life is purely coincidental. 


"Deceiving others. That is what the world calls a romance."
-Oscar Wilde

X and Y are sweet couples. X used to get her flowers. Y never turned her face when X asked for something. They are perfect for each other in all ways. It's been 2 years now they started living in together. X gifted her an iPhone for her b'day. Like many other apps, she downloaded Tinder and started exploring the matches. Many guys have been hitting on her. But there is one match that made her feel like women. The Tinder person ,T was intelligent, he knows the magic how to play with words. It's been a month she started speaking to him. The chemistry plus the clean conversation led her to go on a date with him. They decided to meet on warm Tuesday evening in a Resort that is far away from the city. Her heart was palpating as the moment of the meeting was nearing. She was confused. Yet she wanted to meet the T for all reason she wanted to know his existence. 

"This might go wrong; X would be shattered in pieces" warned her the conscious.  She did not want to tell X about the serendipitous encounter the app has brought forth. The day arrived. It was 8 AM. X kissed Y on her cheeks. Before leaving the home, he said " don't wait for me, I have an important client settlement to make" and he left.  She got up, looked at the time. Her body was pumping adrenaline in all directions. She couldn't resist for the moment to meet T. She chose the best dress from her wardrobe- not very trendy, so to say she is not very open minded nor traditional, just to prove the opposite. Applied hairspray; wore the lip gloss and she decorated herself to impress T at the first glance. She double checked her appearance before she left. The call taxi arrived at the right time  and it took her to place early. She waited in the cafeteria to meet the mysterious T who has been muddling her dreams She was casually checking out the couples. And the single guys who are trying to gain her attention. Everything in that moment was exciting as she waited.

"Count to 10. I will be there” read the text from T.  Each second passed like years. The exact way she felt when X proposed to him. " It’s not late, you can also stop this madness now", again the conscious was disturbing her. She waited. T appeared before her with flowers. T knew exactly what she wanted in food. He knew all her favorite tracks by heart. She has read all his favorite books. They both hated the same politician. They are a perfect match. The time came, both needed to bid an adieu. " So we must meet at the book club next week", T paused for a while and continued " an important writer is going to come, I would like you to join" he added   She said yes because it was an amazing date. Just before she was about to leave, T leaned forward to steal the kiss that she would never refuse to give. Their lips interlocked for a moment longer than it usually has to be. Her red lipstick smudged. She looked into his with a shy smile. Before departing, he planted another kiss on her lips that numbed her senses..

She had ample time before the last cab to home. To enjoy the magic that T has cast, she slowly strolled at the park nearby. Savoring each moment was she taking careful steps letting the butterfly flutter all over her body. 

Just about few minutes to leave, she knew had forgotten something. She started walking towards the front desk praying to meet T again. 

Her phone beeped with a text from X saying “eat well and sleep soon. xoxoxo".  She smiled a bit. Her conscious was yelling in pain. Cheating X was nowhere close to her imagination. "He would die" shouted her inner self, and it faced a slow death.

At the front desk, T was waiting. They hugged tight and kissed right at the first sight. When she opened the eyes, it was something that brought her the pain that she could no longer bear. 

  X was making the client settlement. And the contract that was sealed with his lips on other lips that weren't her's. 

 The guilt began tearing her soul as the pellets of tears started rolling down.

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One Important Note: Please Save Our Babies!

Today I watched this YouTube video where a baby gets over-emotional when her mom sings a very intense song. That little video drove me nuts for 2 reasons:

  1. When I was a kid I mostly cried for food, extra food. I never got a satiating feeling when comes to food. I was spoilt kid from my infancy. My paatima(grandma) used to tell me that she would feed me with Cerelac and other stuff when I was little. And she would not stop me feeding because I continue to eat, eat and eat. She remembers that I never turned my face, which she feels other babies do when they get full.  There are recorded instances where my eyeballs bulge out because of the intensity of food in my stomach. But in this video, this baby gets watery eyes when her mum starts singing.
  2. I never imagined that a baby could understand a painful love song, which as a grown-up adult, I fail to acknowledge it. May be because I think it’s crazy. But most of the times, I don't properly understand the lyrics when it is sung in a non-carnatic fashion. When I said this to my friend. He told me that the first thing he said to his mom ,when he grew-up,was to stop singing. His mom was a very bad singer
That short video didn't change my perspective about baby’s behavior. If you ever ask me, will a baby understand mature feelings of an adult? I would definitely raise my both hands for the side that supports "No". I still consider infancy as an unadulterated stage of life where we enjoy and understand nothing but pure love, care and unbridled shower of affection. If we need to reconsider our thinking anyway, it would seriously infiltrate the pungency of human life on the little and lovely babies that have whole big bunch of years to become a man/woman.

What would happen if we don't treat babies as babies?  If I was one such baby, I would not seriously understand why my mum sings the same song again and again to make me cry? When I grow-up I cannot even consider having 100 thousand viewers on "emotional baby video" as a strong qualification in my college/grad school resume.  Everyone around me would forget my name and start calling "emotional baby".  My girlfriend, every time, would sing a song to see if I cry. By the time she realizes that I am not "emotional" anymore, she would become my wife and start singing some lame songs to our baby. The only reason she would be living is because I think I am wearing striped dress behind the bars doesn't look good on me. 

I seriously think that preserving the childhood innocence will be posing as a biggest challenge to modern parenting. We are living in the world where babies are entertained by YouTube videos and Spotify songs. Children learn to type ABCD before they start writing.They get exposed to the world in internet before being introduced to the family. They start listening to mature conversations before they start talking. All these are certainly not a good sign of good growth. 

When I was a kid I enjoyed eating toothpaste, biting eraser and fighting with my brother. I don't want ordering pizza online, eating the edges of iPad and fighting on Playing Station as a best memory for our kids in the future.  If we are getting swayed by the preoccupation that this advanced world thrust upon us and fail to protect the innocence of our children, there will be a great drift in the child's behavior forcing us to rewrite the books on children psychology.  

Just for a second, if you think what will happen to the child which an adult who had a cyberhood* will rear? You will not be easing on this topic.  I will try my best to give a best childhood for my kid.  Let’s brace ourselves and enjoy this video where this baby gets tears because of the attachment she has with her mom. 

*cyberhood= cyber+childhood

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Coffe Mug # 1: Experiences of a thoughtless bystander

This is to certify that I’m writing this with all my consciousness with the subdued rage of killing everybody who utters any disgusting / raucous or annoying/irritating noise while watching a movie or anyone who is vulnerable to reacting things that are portrayed before them forgetting about their influence on the general public.
General public refers to everyone except the commuter of the disturbance or source of outrageous instinct.  But in this post, it’s me, I’m the general public.
Yesterday, I went to watch this movie- Bhaag Milkha Bhaag. I honestly agree that I don’t know hindi and I’m not a bit ashamed of it.  Why did I go and watch the movie then? Because it was Thursday, I can understand movies of any languages, when I watch them on Thursdays. It doesn’t mean that ET will throw up the power of enlightment on Thursdays, so I can flirt with an hot chick from Czechoslovakia. No. Only on Thursdays, Satyam Theater films with subtitles. Hence practically, I’m watching a Persian movie and hearing English.
Apart from the reasoning of subtitle, I had another reason to watch this movie, as it is said that it is an inspiring story of a terrific athlete in sixties, and I have the taste for sweat and field since my childhood, I never missed an opportunity that would make me experience it again. For me BMB would be recollection of my past and would instigate a fire to my spirit that has been taking a nap for a long time. I was an awful field athlete in my school and spectacular performer in tennis court, later I shifted my concentration over the food court. I’m maintaining the status quo of the uncrowned king of all buffet courts, food courts, chat centers, and kitchen. My skill in sensing the food from its smell has increased exponentially.  Now, I’m just like one of you, who dream about the good times you had.
This movie, I really believe, would get me back to the field, like the magic Chak De India did to me. I went to the fields again -I outperformed in the Gym, I toned my body really well. That was 5 years ago. Now I’m a doomed person who really gets satiating pleasure thinking about the old days. For a person like me, the first act of redemption is going out and watching an inspiring tale.
Bhagh Milkha Bhagh. When I first heard the name, I translated as Forest Milk Forest.  I assumed I was right till I saw the movie where the protagonist often gets a fading vision of someone chasing him on a horse and calling Bhag Milkha Bhagh.  Then when he is set on the field everyone applauds him calling “Bhagh Milkha Bhagh”. And each time when someone calls/shouts Bhagh Milkha Bhagh, the subtitle read as: Run Milkha Run. I thanked ET.
If you believe that I’m going to narrate the story. Please. Stop reading here. I’m not going to say you the story.
Everyone’s seat was on fire, when Milkha was running against Asia’s fastest runner, who was coincidentally a Pakistani. There were the echoes of “Bhagh Milkha Bhagh” reverberating in the entire hall. I could forgive that. We are hopelessly patriotic when comes to India Vs Pakistan. I must not be surprised when someone had painted his face tricolor and called out Jai Hindhustan ki Jai. When Milkha finished the race with an astounding photo finish, it was believed that he finished behind the Pakistani sprinter. But time works miraculously for Milkha- the board refreshes with his name on the first. I couldn’t resist the hopeful patriotism when a guy seated in front of me stood up and shouted  “That’s me ” when Milkha  was extolled with gold medal in 200mts dash in 1956 Tokyo Olympics. I simply can’t digest that, although it was funny.
Milk and 2 eggs were a part of his diet when he was trained for the National meet. There was scene where the worn-out Milkha breaks 2 eggs in his cup of milk and imbibes glutinously to quench his thirst; I heard some bunch of girls blurting the noises of disgust. We can simply imagine how it would taste, that doesn’t mean that they have to stimulate our puking sensation by calling out the sound.  This was not at all funny. Hope they all breakup with their boyfriends.
It was an inspiring tale. Surely Yes.  Every one of us forgot that it was movie; we were exhilarated when he won the game, and we felt sad when he felt it. We were actually a silent bystander of his life and watching him more acutely than anyone else.
Some of us forget that there are 200 silent bystanders who are watching his life with them.  Please. Never. I Repeat. Never. Ever  express your feel of disgust when spectating  a public show. It actually ruins the show for the General Public.
Whenever you think you are getting the urge to do something like that. Think the general public is making their dog to lick on your ears, you will surely requiem from the feel and sometimes, you might get off the mood of watching the movie. If you that doesn’t bother you, how about someone accidentally slipping a cup of  coffee on your pants? General Public can do that.