A Top atop of my Head

Starting to study a day before an exam is a deep rooted custom in the Education culture, Me not an exception having lost in the pages of the huge course material all these days and screwed all the toughest papers, I feel the stress has reduced to one-half. Now a pleasant feeling of  absolute emptiness has begun to occupy the vacuum inside my head . Learning  is a kind of  wild fascination so I never refrained to limit myself with the bounded topics of the syllabus which sometimes  left me in a pathetic state of pulling out my eye balls at the exam hall. The near study experience can be described as :

"When the super fast  reading races with the second hand of a clock, the feel of high caffeine mixed with three shots vodka which can fly butterflies in the stomach.Just that moment we observe the ticks of the clock in the blink of our eyes

Last minute reading can teach a million lessons on management skills which many B-schools preaches. First and foremost of all it teaches us time management, I've known many of my friends start just six hours before any exam and cover all the topics in the syllabus. It also trains the mind and soul with a passive urge to stay on the track without any deviation. Unknowingly we practice Zen meditation as Bodhi dharama, great patriarch of Zen Budhism refers in his gospel :

"One who understands his inner instincts, controls over his thoughts by synchronizing  mind,soul and body for an unified action.He is on the path of realizing the Budha in himself"

During the period we learn the topics which we feel of reading it (Understanding the Instincts); As we start reading with a great dedication we seldom forget everything  around us, even in the late night some force drives us to stay awake which is so called Exam fear. (Synchronization of Mind,soul and Body).We pace ourself to achieve the ultimate goal of preparing for the exam(Unified Action). With accordance to the Great Master Bodhi Dharma, we are on the trivial path of Realising Buddha .Its evident that the unknown force that makes us to stay awake is not the Phobia for exam, its the symptom when Mind, soul and body coordinates for an aid.

Not just a philosophy, its a powerful delusional tool that can take anyone out of the world and helps in understanding the reflections,pursuits and passion which the normal life fails to implicate. Adernaline which is the cause and source for this delusional enlightenment. Accompanied with the anomaly is its effect and  Last minute rush  is one such thing that awaken the emptiness in the head, the state of Budha. I feel a top  drilling atop of my head...which in the words of my mother tongue Tamil

"en uchi mandaiyala Grrrrrrrr"  *On the top of my head Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*.

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